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How to calculate percentage in Excel 2010: MS Excel 2010 , a software, module, part of office facility….whatever we call, but an excellent assistant have been designed to solve almost every problem we encounter in mathematics, data management, formatting and reformatting or arranging or rearranging numeric and logical functions, comparison and analysis, graphic representation of data…..and hundreds of more. If we say “excel made life easy”, it won’t be out of place especially once calculations are to be performed repeatedly and simultaneously. Percentage calculation is one function, though small and easy but without it so much of arithmetical calculations and part of analysis/data management stay incomplete. In this article we will learn following:
Tip: Excel has many preformatted default arrangements however is different from conventional calculator. We can do percentages in excel only after applying formula.
Percentage formula
As term denotes, percentage is a function, find a ratio relative partial value of whole corresponding “hundred i.e.100”. We can say percentage comprises three components, namely, whole value, partial value of that whole sum and 100. Derived expression would be:
Percentage = Partial Value/Whole Value x 100
Tip: While applying formula in Excel we do not need to multiply by 100 to calculate percentage. Multiplication with 100 is built function if we format sign of % with our calculation.
Basically two methods are available to display rounded of value in cell C2 in our simple calculations. We have exercised first method while formatting for % sign and selected place of decimal. Second basic method is termed as “Decrease Decimal” or “Increase Decimal”. Please see top mid of menu panel of Excel Spread Sheet (Just below “General”) function window highlighted with its description of function in Pic 7 & 8. Repeated press on any of these icons will increase or decrease number of fraction digits. It may be remembered that Excel keeps calculated values up to many digits on right side of decimal. It is you to decide the place of decimal.
Facilitating Tips
Formatting tab helps us to exercise various options for easing our task like:
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